In An Effort To Conserve Paper And Ensure Maximum Efficiency, We Only Accept Requests Via Our
Online Paperless Request Form.
Submission Criteria:
- Organizations are limited to one request per year.
- Organizations must be based in Alberta.
- Forms that are not fully complete will not be accepted.
- Requests will only be considered if sent at least eight weeks in advance.
- Requests must be submitted through our online system. Requests submitted via email, fax, mail or phone
will NOT be considered.
Remington Development Corporation Does Not Accept Requests For The Following:
- Preschools, nursery schools or private schools
- Individual participation fundraisers (walk-a-thons, Team-in-Training, Relay for Life, etc.)
- In-kind donations offered for raffles, prizes or incentives
- Third party requests or organizational campaigns (i.e. Canadian Cancer Society, Alzheimer’s Association,
Prostate Cancer Canada, etc.) as we support these types of organizations on a direct corporate level
- Recreational activities (field trips, graduation nights, etc.)
- Political or religious groups
- Advocacy or special interest groups
- Travel funds, conferences, seminars and workshops
- Videotape, film or audio productions
- Organizations that may in any way conflict with the goals, programs or any affiliations of Remington
Development Corporation